Today I learnt : How to check if a url is on 2 way SSL or not ?

Learning SSL itself is not a straight forward concept as it seems but even confirming if a particular url is on 2 way ssl requires some effort. I face some trouble with ssl in the past so just a blog post describing my pain. 1 way ssl Client -> Server When a client (browser) hits the url and it gives success for example is usually on 1 way ssl. In this case, only the client authenticates the server....

June 18, 2023 · 10 min · 1929 words · Shweta Kadam

Today I learnt : Kubectl commands for debugging

Today I learnt a few kubectl commands which I used to for debugging a few issues in testing environment at work. To check logs kubectl logs -f pod_name Useful when you need to check logs inside a pod. To get the bin bash inside a pod kubectl --exec --stdin --tty podname --bin/bash This is useful command to check for certain versions or debugging which is done This command was helpful for determining Java versions inside the pod which was used in a particular environment....

March 3, 2023 · 2 min · 217 words · Shweta Kadam

Today I learnt TIL :GIT Modules & How to effectively remove submodules

While I migrating this website, I came across many issues. One such issue was git submodule.So here is a post on it. what is a git submodule? Git submodule is a way to include another repository in Git as a sub directory in one repository. It allows you to keep another repo(your own repo or someone else) in your repo as a subdirectory It is useful for track that repo’s changes and use that project repo as a reference....

January 1, 2023 · 3 min · 541 words · Shweta Kadam

Today I learnt TIL: jq

Today at work once again I had to inspect a json body which was not beautified. Normally I turn to Postman and use the beautify option. But my mac cried and was freezing in instances begging for me to not open more application :( This is where I came across a nifty tool called jq jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. It is like sed for JSON data....

December 22, 2022 · 2 min · 321 words · Shweta Kadam

Today I learnt:422 HTTP Error code

Today while testing a soap API at work, I came across this HTTP error code called HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity . According to MDN Web docs, it means the following : The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 422 Unprocessable Entity response status code indicates that the server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 311 words · Shweta Kadam

Today I learnt (TIL): jq

Today at work once again I had to inspect a json body which was not beautified. Normally I turn to Postman and use the beautify option. But my mac cried and was freezing in instances begging for me to not open more application :( This is where I came across a nifty tool called jq jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. It is like sed for JSON data....

December 20, 2022 · 2 min · 321 words · Shweta Kadam

Today I learnt: Interesting Things in Java 11

I came across a fascinating Java talk on youtube by Devoxx 2022 Hanno Embregts. This article is about a few java snippets I encountered. The purpose of today’s TIL is to have a list of interesting things we could do in Java and not deep dive into each concept. Today’s TIL : Crazy things to do with Java 11+ Initializing Array and var keywordPermalink Having the var keyword in a statically typed language such as Java was fascinating in itself(an article on this in the future :)....

November 20, 2022 · 3 min · 473 words · Shweta Kadam