Today I learnt TIL :GIT Modules & How to effectively remove submodules

While I migrating this website, I came across many issues. One such issue was git submodule.So here is a post on it. what is a git submodule? Git submodule is a way to include another repository in Git as a sub directory in one repository. It allows you to keep another repo(your own repo or someone else) in your repo as a subdirectory It is useful for track that repo’s changes and use that project repo as a reference....

January 1, 2023 · 3 min · 541 words · Shweta Kadam

Making Peace with Windows!Installing wsl,zsh,powerlevel10k,fzf & many more fun plugins for easy development

avigation, editing, development using terminal and zsh . But recently due to unforeseen updates, my bios was messed up big time which has led me unable to install Linux for the time being. But the work and learning never stops and nor shall I ! ☺ I don’t hate windows but it’s definitely not my first choice for development and coding after discovering Linux.🤭 But Thanks to WSL, windows terminal, and the beautiful zsh ....

January 21, 2022 · 5 min · 925 words · Shweta Kadam